Albert John Thurow

Albert John Thurow was born more than 125 years ago on September 5th, 1894 in the state of Illinois to his Father Ellaberacht and Mother Anna Thurow.

** Interesting events that occurred around the World during Albert's birth year of 1894 included.

• On January 7th, 1894 Scottish inventor
William Kennedy Dickson receives a patent for motion picture film in the United States

• On March 12th, 1894 Coca-Cola is sold in bottles for the first time in Vicksburg, Mississippi, at the Biedenharn Candy Company

• On June 24th, 1894 Marie François Sadi Carnot, President of France is assassinated after having given a speech in Lyon when he is stabbed by Italian anarchist Sante Geronimo Caserio .

• On July 22nd, 1894 the Paris – Rouen Competition for Horseless Carriages, the first ever automobile competition is held.

• On September 10th, 1894 London taxi driver George Smith is the first person to be fined for drunk driving.

• On November 17th, 1894 Serial killer, Doctor H. H. Holmes is arrested in Boston, Massachusetts after being tracked there from Philadelphia by the Pinkerton National Detective Agency.


Albert was the eldest child born to his Mother and Father who were both natives of Germany.. He has four younger siblings all of whom are Brothers ( William, Fredrick, Carl, and Emmett ). According to Census records from 1910 Albert's Mother Anna had given birth to six children but only five were still living.

Thurow Patriarch Ellaberacht supports his family in the field of farming.

On June 5th 1917 Albert enlists to serve his Country as the United States prepares to enter the First World War.

Albert, with his regiment is sent to Europe aboard United States Army Transport Ship "Agamemnon" on May 16th, 1918 He would achieve the rank of Corporal during his time in the military before being honorably discharged after the Great Wars conclusion on March 24th, 1919.

On March 18th, 1924 Albert marries 24 year old Minnesota native Dorothy E Kroonblade in Hillsborough County Florida. The union would not bear children and the couple would divorce nine years later in 1933.

He would remarry that same year when he weds Lois Cunningham. It was the second marriage for them both. Lois came into the marriage with two children, a Son named William who was 12 and Daughter Dorothy, five years of age. On January 6th, 1934 Albert and Lois together welcome a Son whom they bequeath the name Albert Jr.

Mr. Thurow supports his family in a variety of ways over the years including as proprietor of a filling station, a radio sales store owner, and as a salesman in the refrigerator department at a business called "Mass Brothers"

At 9:50 p.m. on December 16th, 1935 Albert loses his life after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage. He was forty one years old.

Albert John Thurow

Beloved Husband, Father, and Proud United States Army Veteran of the First World War

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