Ramon Garcia Rodriguez
Ramon Garcia Rodriguez was born more than 148 years ago on August 31st, 1871 in the Spanish Province of Asturias, Spain.
** Interesting events that occurred around the World during Mr. Garcia Rodriguez birth year of 1871 included.
• On January 16th, 1871 Jefferson Long of Georgia born a slave in 1836 is sworn in as the second ever black Congressman. He is the only African American to represent Georgia until Andrew Young is elected 101 years later in 1972.
• On March 21st, 1871 Otto von Bismarck becomes the first Chancellor of the newly-formed German Empire.
• On April 10th, 1871 in Brooklyn, New York, P.T. Barnum opens his three-ring circus, hailing it as "The Greatest Show on Earth.
• On May 4th, 1871 the Fort Wayne Kekiongas defeat the Cleveland Forest Citys 2 - 0 in the first ever professional baseball game.
• On July 13th, 1871 the World's first championship cat show, organized by Harrison Weir is held @ Crystal Palace, in London !!
• On October 24th, 1871 in Los Angeles' Chinatown, 18 Chinese immigrants are hanged and shot by a mob of 500 men after hearing that a policeman had been shot and a rancher killed by the Chinese. Ten men in the mob were prosecuted and eight were convicted of manslaughter. The convictions were soon overturned on appeal due to technicalities
Ramon would leave his home Country of Spain and set sail for the Cuban island territory at the age of 15 in 1886. He would remain in Cuba until 1891 when Mr Garcia Rodriguez departs for New York City where he meets his future Wife Augustina Pereirax, whom he marries in 1895.
During the course of their marriage Ramon and Augustina would have 10 children ( 5 Daughters ... Mary, Carmen, Ida, Herminia, and Berta )
And five Son's ( Ramon Jr, Gerardo, Joe, George, and Tony )
Ramon and his family would relocate to the Sunshine State of Florida and city of Jacksonville in 1898. They remain there until 1903 when a decision is made to move further South where they permanently settle in Tampa.
Mr. Garcia Rodriguez was one of the founders of the local Centro Asturiano. In 1902, a group of 546 immigrants from the Province of Asturias, Spain founded the Centro Asturiano de Tampa, one of the city's first mutual aid societies and a branch of the original club established in Havana, Cuba.
He was one of its directors until being elevated to the societies Vice Presidency !! Ramon was also one of the founders of the Florida mutual aid society, a medical program and facility for new membership of the Centro Asturiano.
Mr. Garcia Rodriguez provided for his family as a foreman at the nearly 60,000 square foot Santaella cigar factory which was built in 1904 and where he worked until entering the restaurant business for a short time. He would later join the Schwab Davis and Company cigar factory as a Foreman before finally retiring.
While on a visit to Elizabeth, New Jersey Mr. Garcia Rodriguez would pass away suddenly on Saturday April 8th, 1939.
Ramon Garcia Rodriguez. Beloved Husband and Father
Before & After