Mary "May" Noah Black

Mary "May" Noah Black was born in Lakeland, Florida more than 139 years ago on September 18th, 1880 to her Father Alexander J. Black and Mother, Charity Rowe.

** Interesting events that occurred around the World during "May's" birth year of 1880 included.

• On January 9th, 1880 "The Great Gale of 1880" devastates parts of Oregon and Washington with high wind and heavy snow. Six feet of snow falls in Seattle, Washington.

• On January 27th, 1880 Thomas Edison patents the electric incandescent lamp.

• On February 4th, 1880 "The Black Donnelly Massacre" takes the lives of five members of one family @ Biddulph Township, in Ontario, Canada.

The "Black" Donnellys were an Irish family who emigrated to Ontario. They were murdered by an armed mob in the township of Lucan Biddulph, and their farm burned to the ground. The massacre was the culmination of long-standing conflict between the family and other residents of the community. No one was ever convicted of the murders, despite two separate trials.

• On March 31st, 1880 Wabash, Indiana becomes the first electrically lit city in the World.

• On July 16th, 1880 the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario granted Emily Stowe a license to practise medicine. She is the first Woman to ever be given an opportunity to do so in Canada.

• On November 2nd, 1880 Republican James Garfield is elected as the 20th President of the United States when he defeats General Winfield Scott Hancock of Pennsylvania. General Hancock served with distinction in the Army for four decades, including service in the Mexican–American War and as a Union general in the American Civil War... Garfield would be assassinated the following year just months after being inaugurated on March 4th,1881.