Donald E. Grace
Donald E. Grace was born in Tampa, Florida more than 133 years ago in July of 1886 to his Father, John Robert Grace and Mother, Annie Louisa.
** Interesting events that occurred around the World in Donald's birth year of 1886 included...
• On January 29th, 1886 in Germany Karl Benz patents the first successful gasoline-driven automobile, the "Benz Patent-Motorwagen"
• On May 8th, 1886 Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta sells the first Coca-Cola. The beverage at the time included cocaine as one of its ingredients.
• On June 2nd, 1886 President Grover Cleveland marries Frances Folsom in the White House becoming the only President of the United States to wed in the executive mansion. Frances is 27 years his junior.
• On September 4th, 1886 after almost 30 years of fighting, Apache leader Geronimo surrenders with his last band of warriors to General Nelson Miles at Skeleton Canyon in Arizona.
• On October 28th, 1886 the Statue of Liberty is dedicated by U.S. President Grover Cleveland. The event is then celebrated with the first ever ticker tape parade in New York City.
• On December 18th, 1886 future Hall of Fame and all-time great baseball player ty Cobb is born in Narrows, Georgia.
Donald was the third of 10 children born to his Mother and Father between 1881 and 1906... He had five Brothers and four Sisters. ( His Brother's included Robert Bert, Ira, Norman Carl, Manuel Herman, and Roy ) .... His Sister's names were Lena, Gertrude, Fay, and Ethel.
Grace family Patriarch John Robert supports his large family in the field of farming for the majority of his life and later as a fisherman...
According to the federal census of 1900 Donald at 13 years old and had just finished the eighth grade.
By 1905, Donald according to Tampa City directories is employed as a driver. Each ensuing city directory for the next several years shows that like his Father he works as a fisherman.
On July 24th, 1908 younger Brother Ira ( Also a fisherman ) drowns when a wicked Summer squall capsizes the boat he is navigating ...
360 days later on July 19th, 1909 by circumstances unknown this evenings honoree Donald E. Grace passes away at the age of 23 leaving behind his parents and living siblings.
Donald E. Grace... Beloved Son and Brother